Tuesday 24 January 2017

Introducing Magic Mount Wall Charger.


Smartphones are speculated to help streamline your life, not so? After all, they are your one-stop-shop for everything from managing your schedule, communicating with work contacts, staying connected with friends and beloved ones, and even delivering recreation. But while these fantastic gadgets could add order to our lives, they'll leave behind a path of clutter in their wake.

Your phone itself could also be sleek and sophisticated, but the day-after-day of using one also involves a litany of accessories, from earphones, to cases, to selfie sticks, to those ubiquitous chargers. There is a chance you have cables for charging your phone strewn everywhere your nightstand, your car, your desk, and perhaps even have a travel charger in your bag (if not also a full-on backup battery pack).

Is there perhaps an improved way to power our phones, still taking advantage of efficient, reliable wired charging while doing one thing about the mess of cords that all too easily permeates our existence? Scosche thinks so, and puts forth its MagicMount Wall Charger as the answer.


The MagicMount relies around a straightforward enough idea: so as to scale down wire clutter when charging our phones, why not keep the phone as close as possible to the charger itself? And to make that as simple as possible, the MagicMount taps into the power of magnets.

The charger is a straightforward power brick – a little larger than your typical smartphone charger, however smaller than something like a laptop power supply. It plugs into a grounded outlet and has a single USB port on the bottom, capable of 2.4A output.

So far, there is nothing significantly special here, however the MagicMount Wall Charger's “magic” is hiding slightly below the surface: the adapter is equipped with some powerful magnets. when paired with an identical MagicPlate – an adhesive panel that secures to the rear of your smartphone – you can stick your phone right onto the Wall Charger, where it will remain firmly in situ.

The MagicMount Wall Charger comes with 2 metal plates: atiny low one for a lot of petite handsets, and a bigger one to make sure that even heavier phablets stay firmly in situ. The 3M auto-grade adhesive on each pads is meant to provide a tight grip while also being removable without inflicting any lasting damage. however if even that has you feeling slightly wary, Scosche also includes a clear protecting film sticker that you can put on your phone first, and then attach the magnetic plate to the film.

There's a lot of flexibility in how you can apply those plates: they will go directly on a phone themselves, attach to a case, and you can even keep your phone looking neat by placing one on the inside of the case, where it cannot be seen. There, though, you run the risk of reduced grip strength, thus confirm that the charger's magnets have a good hold of your phone before leaving it there.

Then it's simply a matter of plugging the MagicMount into a convenient outlet, hooking up a USB cable, and putting your phone in place. Because of the manner it holds phones facing forward, you've got a good view of any standing LEDs to allow you to know once charging's done.

Indeed, the MagicMount Wall Charger will precisely what it sets out to do: it holds your phone to the wall while providing power for charging. And in the right environment, that may get your phone and charging cable off your table, reducing muddle in the process.

Maybe the ideal placement, then, is something like an outlet adjacent to a countertop surface – safely up above the ground, and in a situation where there really can be some profit to releasing up counter space.

The MagicMount Wall Charger is supposed to be used with one device at a time, and has a single USB port to match. And though its 2.4A output puts it up there among the most powerful of traditional USB chargers, we can't help but notice that it lacks support for specific fast-charging tech, like Qualcomm's quick Charge. maybe the logic there's that if you're phone's not cluttering up the counter while charging, you do not care how long it takes to juice up. but it would still be nice to get to enjoy Scosche's interesting accessory without sacrificing more advanced charging tech.

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